UC7 Mapping2-88 Eval_SCP_2_Result

The safety objective is to detect that the robot is working without impacting the human.
The safety objective is to detect that the robot is working without impacting the human. The safety objective is to detect that the robot is working correctly without impacting the human and avoiding obstacles.
Evaluation Criteria for Safety, Cybersecurity, and Privacy (SCP)
Number of safety/security requirement violations

18 test has been executed to validate that the Robot doesn't impact with the human during the fridge dissasembly process.

The test are executed with a  Human Robot collaboration simulation, so there is no danger for the human during the V&V process.

No engineer  supervision has been required during the execution of the test suite..

Measured artefacts:

· Number of safety/security requirements.

· Number of safety/security requirement violations (this could also be considered as a percentage/ratio of the previous.

· 𝑉=Number of safety/security requirement violationsNumber of safety/𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 ×100

(Test generation) A domain randomization has been performed in the simulation disassembly environment, changing fridges' textures, shapes, and sizes.

(Test execution and verdict) UC7 demonstration employs HuroCTest to coordinate simulation-based testing activity in human-robot collaborative environments. The HuroCTest tool provides a real-time, automated verdict of test execution of simulation environments through constrained-based oracles using Simulation-Based Testing for Human-Robot Collaboration. To coordinate the testing with the Constrained-Based Oracle, HuroCTest leverages a ROS package to seamlessly align the execution of the test, the simulation environment, and the oracle.

Before using HuRoCTest it was mandatory for the engineer to run the simulation and the different tests on a regular basis. Now using HuRocTest, the validation is performed without the presence of the engineer, all tests are run automatically and the simulation environment is coordinated with the ULISES validator via a communication library.


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