"Test case: Localization of Human - Safety through speed and separation monitoring (SSM): ""Localization data manipulation through additional tags"" (data manipulation) # Preconditions: line of sight between static anchors and tags (attached to human) are clear # Input conditions / steps: multiplicated RTLS tag coordinates and or distance with random factors # Expected results: 1-x positions at the same time"
Test Cases
"Test case: Localization of Human - Safety through speed and separation monitoring (SSM): "Localization data manipulation through additional tags" (data manipulation) # Preconditions: line of sight between static anchors and tags (attached to human) are clear # Input conditions / steps: multiplicated RTLS tag coordinates and or distance with random factors # Expected results: 1-x positions at the same time"
"Test case: Handling and gripping of product/parts: "Turn of air pressure" (physical manipulation) # Preconditions: All components turned on # Input conditions / steps: turn off compressor before and during gripping # Expected results: before = part will not be gripped, recognizede by prox. sensor / during gripping = part will stay gripped due to decoupled pressure line (security mechanism) but cannot gripp next part"
"Test case: Handling and gripping of product/parts: "Don't activate gripper in program" (physical manipulation) # Preconditions: All components turned on # Input conditions / steps: deactivate gripper in program # Expected results: Gripper can not pic part, failed gripping is recognized by proximity sensor"
"Test case: Handling and gripping of product/parts: "Remove product / part before gripping" (physical manipulation) # Preconditions: All components turned on # Input conditions / steps: Remove product / part before gripping # Expected results: Gripper can not pic part, missing part is recognized by proximity sensor"
"Test case: Handling and gripping of product/parts: "Remove product from simulation" (failure simulation) # Preconditions: Running simulation with all components # Input conditions / steps: Manipulate / remove parts in simulation # Expected results: … ??? (robot should stop immediately)"
"Test case: Handling and gripping of product/parts: ""Do not grip in simulation"" (failure simulation) # Preconditions: Running simulation with all components # Input conditions / steps: Manipulate / turn off gripper in simulation # Expected results: … ??? (robot should stop immediately)"
"Test case: Knocking off product/part: ""Unintentionelly by human worker"" (physical manipulation) # Preconditions: Gripper pics part # Input conditions / steps: Human knocks off the product/part from magnetic gripper # Expected results: Robot stops due to proximity sensor recognize missing part"
"Test case: Knocking off product/part: ""Manipulate proximity sensor"" (data manipulation) # Preconditions: Gripper pics part # Input conditions / steps: Change proximity sensor settings to ""no approximation detected"" after gripping # Expected results: Robot stops due to proximity sensor recognize missing part"
"Test case: Knocking off product/part: ""Manipulate proximity sensor"" (failure simulation) # Preconditions: Gripper pics part in simulation # Input conditions / steps: Remove product from simulation during handling process # Expected results: … ??? (robot should stop immediately)"
"Test case: Corruption of input/output signal at robot gripper: ""Turn on/off gripper switch"" (physical manipulation) # Preconditions: All components / gripper turned on # Input conditions / steps: Repeated turning off / on of gripper switch # Expected results: … ??? (robot should stop immediately)"
"Test case: Corruption of input/output signal at robot gripper: ""Interruped I/O signal"" (data manipulation) # Preconditions: All components / gripper turned on # Input conditions / steps: Repeated turning off / on of gripper switch (e.g. in PLC?) # Expected results: … ??? (robot should stop immediately)"
"Test case: Data manipulation during data collection / transfer: ""IoT-Gateway manipulation"" # Preconditions: Data connection working # Input conditions / steps: IoT-gateway: interrupt data transfer / signal transfer a/o manipulate value e.g. through multiplicaton with random factor # Expected results: … ??? (still to be elaborated and decided)
"Test case: Data manipulation in human-robot-interaction: ""HTTP-Client manipulation"" # Preconditions: Data connection working # Input conditions / steps: HTTP-Client (REST): interrupt data transfer / signal transfer a/o manipulate value e.g. through multiplicaton with random factor # Expected results: … ??? (not yet elaborated)"
"Test case: Handling and gripping of product/parts: "Manipulate proximity sensor" (data manipulation) # Preconditions: All components turned on # Input conditions / steps: Change proximity sensor settings to ""no approximation detected"" though part has been gripped # Expected results: ... ??? not yet implemented"
"Test case: Localization of Human - Safety through speed and separation monitoring (SSM): ""Interruption of line of sight"" (physical manipulation) # Preconditions: line of sight between static anchors and tags (attached to human) are clear # Input conditions / steps: human moves according to the assembly process + randomly turning and moving within the area; # Expected results: weak or lost signal / postion, higher latency, decreased accuracy of position"
"Test case: Data manipulation in human-robot-interaction: ""HTTP-Server manipulation"" # Preconditions: Data connection working # Input conditions / steps: HTTP-Server (REST): interrupt data transfer / signal transfer a/o manipulate value e.g. through multiplicaton with random factor # Expected results: … ??? (not yet elaborated)"