UC4_TC_9 Unintentionelly by human worker (physical manipulation)"Test case: Knocking off product/part: ""Unintentionelly by human worker"" (physical manipulation) # Preconditions: Gripper pics part # Input conditions / steps: Human knocks off the product/part from magnetic gripper # Expected results: Robot stops due to proximity sensor recognize missing part"https://repo.valu3s.eu/use-cases/human-robot-interaction-in-semi-automatic-assembly-processes/test-cases/uc4_tc_9-unintentionelly-by-human-worker-physical-manipulationhttps://repo.valu3s.eu/@@site-logo/logo_valu3s_green_transparent.png
UC4_TC_9 Unintentionelly by human worker (physical manipulation)
"Test case: Knocking off product/part: ""Unintentionelly by human worker"" (physical manipulation) # Preconditions: Gripper pics part # Input conditions / steps: Human knocks off the product/part from magnetic gripper # Expected results: Robot stops due to proximity sensor recognize missing part"