UC8_R_1 Automatic Test plans https://repo.valu3s.eu/use-cases/neuromuscular-transmission-measurements/requirements/automatic-execution-of-the-test-plans https://repo.valu3s.eu/@@site-logo/logo_valu3s_green_transparent.png UC8_R_1 Automatic Test plans Requirement ID 1 Requirement Textual Description Automatic execution of the Test Plans. Requirement Type Functional Requirement Test Cases Requirement Test Cases List UC8_TC_1 Benchmark Platform: When NMT controller is under Closed-Loop Control, the main target control results shall be statistically achieved; e.g. time in margin greater than X%, drug infusion less than Xml/hour. This is true for varying control parameters (e.g. Target NMT, type of model , noise level, etc). Potential Partners (BUT, QRTech, and RGB). VALU3S Framework Evaluation Environment Type Type of environment where the method is applied. It can be more than one type of environment.(Dimension 1) Evaluation Type Type of evaluation performed with that method. If a method is hybrid, more than one type can be selected.(Dimension 2) Type of Component Under Evaluation Type of components that can be evaluated with that method. It can be more than one type.(Dimension 3) Evaluation Stage The evaluation stage where the method is used.(Dimension 5) Purpose of the Component Under Evaluation The type of purpose that can be evaluated by a method. It can be more than one type.(Dimension 6) Type of Requirement Under Evaluation The type of requirements that a method is able to evaluate. It can be more than one type.(Dimension 7) Evaluation Performance Indicator The type of evaluation criteria or KPI that a method is able to improve. It can be more than one type.(Dimension 8) Contents There are currently no items in this folder.