UC8_TC_1Benchmark Platform: When NMT controller is under Closed-Loop Control, the main target control results shall be statistically achieved; e.g. time in margin greater than X%, drug infusion less than Xml/hour. This is true for varying control parameters (e.g. Target NMT, type of model , noise level, etc). Potential Partners (BUT, QRTech, and RGB).https://repo.valu3s.eu/use-cases/neuromuscular-transmission-measurements/test-cases/uc8_tc_1https://repo.valu3s.eu/@@site-logo/logo_valu3s_green_transparent.png
Benchmark Platform: When NMT controller is under Closed-Loop Control, the main target control results shall be statistically achieved; e.g. time in margin greater than X%, drug infusion less than Xml/hour. This is true for varying control parameters (e.g. Target NMT, type of model , noise level, etc). Potential Partners (BUT, QRTech, and RGB).