UC11_TC_8*Precondition: This system follows a predefined trajectory. *Input Condition/steps: At runtime, a certain traffic flow occurs in the system depending on the workload. During the attack, this data flow is increased and due to this the expected data is lost or this data flow is decreased and due to this the unexpected data flood. *Expected Results: The traffic flow in the system is controlled according to the reference interval and control mechanism catches the abnormality.https://repo.valu3s.eu/use-cases/uc11-automated-robot-inspection-cell-for-quality-control-of-automotive-body-in-white/test-cases/uc11_tc_8https://repo.valu3s.eu/@@site-logo/logo_valu3s_green_transparent.png
*Precondition: This system follows a predefined trajectory. *Input Condition/steps: At runtime, a certain traffic flow occurs in the system depending on the workload. During the attack, this data flow is increased and due to this the expected data is lost or this data flow is decreased and due to this the unexpected data flood. *Expected Results: The traffic flow in the system is controlled according to the reference interval and control mechanism catches the abnormality.