UC11_TC_7* Precondition: This system follows a predefined trajectory. * Input Condition/steps: During runtime, publisher sends data to the subscriber node according to the due job by the system. The normal frequency of messages publish/subscribe by publisher/subscriber is checked and monitored with reference to previous data. During the attack, the unexpected amount of malevolent request(s) to the publisher/subscriber. * Expected Results: The malevolent request(s) to the publisher/subscriber is detected as an anomaly by comparing the communication frequency for the work done in reference time and comparing with requested job.https://repo.valu3s.eu/use-cases/uc11-automated-robot-inspection-cell-for-quality-control-of-automotive-body-in-white/test-cases/uc11_tc_7https://repo.valu3s.eu/@@site-logo/logo_valu3s_green_transparent.png
* Precondition: This system follows a predefined trajectory. * Input Condition/steps: During runtime, publisher sends data to the subscriber node according to the due job by the system. The normal frequency of messages publish/subscribe by publisher/subscriber is checked and monitored with reference to previous data. During the attack, the unexpected amount of malevolent request(s) to the publisher/subscriber. * Expected Results: The malevolent request(s) to the publisher/subscriber is detected as an anomaly by comparing the communication frequency for the work done in reference time and comparing with requested job.