UC11_TC_26*Precondition: HSM and Secure Gateway have been run in Otokar's system and verification has been completed. * Input conditions / steps: Communication is listened from the ends of the network and data blocks are collected. Tampering is applied to HSM. MitM attack is organised. Unauthorised access is realised. * Expected outcome: It is verified that the data is integrated and encrypted from the end to the end in the network. Malicious people cannot access either the data transferred in the communication or the authentication keyshttps://repo.valu3s.eu/use-cases/uc11-automated-robot-inspection-cell-for-quality-control-of-automotive-body-in-white/test-cases/uc11_tc_26https://repo.valu3s.eu/@@site-logo/logo_valu3s_green_transparent.png
*Precondition: HSM and Secure Gateway have been run in Otokar's system and verification has been completed. * Input conditions / steps: Communication is listened from the ends of the network and data blocks are collected. Tampering is applied to HSM. MitM attack is organised. Unauthorised access is realised. * Expected outcome: It is verified that the data is integrated and encrypted from the end to the end in the network. Malicious people cannot access either the data transferred in the communication or the authentication keys