UC11_TC_24*Precondition: HSM and Secure Gateway have been run on Otokar's system and verification has been completed. * Input conditions / steps: At least 20 users using the system are surveyed. Ease of use is asked. * Expected outcome: Mean opinion result expected to be 3.5 and above in 0(lowest) to 5(highest) range"https://repo.valu3s.eu/use-cases/uc11-automated-robot-inspection-cell-for-quality-control-of-automotive-body-in-white/test-cases/uc11_tc_24https://repo.valu3s.eu/@@site-logo/logo_valu3s_green_transparent.png
*Precondition: HSM and Secure Gateway have been run on Otokar's system and verification has been completed. * Input conditions / steps: At least 20 users using the system are surveyed. Ease of use is asked. * Expected outcome: Mean opinion result expected to be 3.5 and above in 0(lowest) to 5(highest) range"