
Tests must be executed under different driving and environment conditions
Validation tests must be executed under the following driving conditions: - daytime and sunny journeys / night time and clear journey. - daytime and cloudy journeys / night time and cloudy journey. - daytime and rainy journeys / night time and rainy journey. - daytime and snowy journeys / night time and snowy journey. - daytime and foggy journeys / night time and foggy journey. Several daytime journeys, made at different times during the day, will be considered for each daytime combination. Tests must also include light signals occlusions. Test design should allow to set different states for the light signals in a route in order to test all the different states in which a light signal can be found.
Requirement Test Cases
VALU3S Framework
Record datasets selecting different visibility conditions in the virtual environment

Record datasets selecting different visibility conditions in the virtual environment Precondition: - Route for validation is ready in the virtual environment Steps and input condition: - Select visibility conditions - Activate frame capturing subsystem - Execute journey in the virtual environment Expected results - A frameset for validation is generated