UC8_TC_5The Controller calculates the new relaxant dose value to inject and sends it to the Infusion pump and to the HiL Manager Tool. Controller generates random sequences of infusion (initial bolus, continuous infusion). Recovery time to half concentration of drug in plasma is in expected range (half-life), error is < 20%; Intubation time is in expected range, error is < 20%https://repo.valu3s.eu/use-cases/neuromuscular-transmission-measurements/test-cases/uc8_tc_5https://repo.valu3s.eu/@@site-logo/logo_valu3s_green_transparent.png
The Controller calculates the new relaxant dose value to inject and sends it to the Infusion pump and to the HiL Manager Tool. Controller generates random sequences of infusion (initial bolus, continuous infusion). Recovery time to half concentration of drug in plasma is in expected range (half-life), error is < 20%; Intubation time is in expected range, error is < 20%