UC1_TC_20* Preconditions: The system performance should not be highly dependent on the presence of sensitive personal information in the input data. * Input conditions / steps: Datasets with and without sensitive personal information. *Expected result: Accuracy of results in presence or absence of sensitive personal information in the data should be negligible (less than x%)https://repo.valu3s.eu/use-cases/intelligent-traffic-surveillance/node-connection-to-cloud/req_17/uc1_tc_20https://repo.valu3s.eu/@@site-logo/logo_valu3s_green_transparent.png
* Preconditions: The system performance should not be highly dependent on the presence of sensitive personal information in the input data. * Input conditions / steps: Datasets with and without sensitive personal information. *Expected result: Accuracy of results in presence or absence of sensitive personal information in the data should be negligible (less than x%)