UC14 Biometric Performance and Privacy Validation

UC14 V&V workflow describing activities to validate the biometric models' performance and privacy ensuring properties.
his Workflow is designed to provide a platform to test and validate both the performance and the privacy/security properties of biometric models and biometric template hashing methodologies.
With an annotated database of ECG (ElectroCardioGraphic) templates, a biometric model parametric definition and a hashing function, the model performance using raw (unprotected) and hashed features are compared to measure the impact that hashing has on the system's capability to correctly identify enrolled subjects.
Furthermore, hashed template cancellation is performed and the canceled template is provided as an input to ensure that it is rejected, validating the system's template cancellation feature.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) UC14_workflows.xml — Extensible Markup Language (XML), 1.27 MB

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