UC14_TC_3* Pre-conditions: ECG generator; CardioWheel outputs are in debug mode and are directly retrievable. * Inputs: ECG generator feeds CardioWheel with signal, varying its base morphology and impedance. * Expected outcomes: CardioWheel’s transmitted packets, after being decrypted, contain more than 99.99% of expected samples, and samples are sampled at fixed sampling frequency.https://repo.valu3s.eu/use-cases/cardiowheel/test-cases/uc14_tc_3https://repo.valu3s.eu/@@site-logo/logo_valu3s_green_transparent.png
* Pre-conditions: ECG generator; CardioWheel outputs are in debug mode and are directly retrievable. * Inputs: ECG generator feeds CardioWheel with signal, varying its base morphology and impedance. * Expected outcomes: CardioWheel’s transmitted packets, after being decrypted, contain more than 99.99% of expected samples, and samples are sampled at fixed sampling frequency.