UC14_TC_2* Pre-conditions: Replication of embedded systems (CardioWheel and CardioGW) and implement code base using formal framework MARS.; System is running, requesting identification tasks when ECG is detected and monitoring its related cognitive state. * Inputs: Simulated/real-time ECG. * Expected outcome: Model representations and stored features are cryptographically secured. Data received and produced at transmission endpoints is encrypted and so impossible to interpret by third parties.https://repo.valu3s.eu/use-cases/cardiowheel/test-cases/uc14_tc_2https://repo.valu3s.eu/@@site-logo/logo_valu3s_green_transparent.png
* Pre-conditions: Replication of embedded systems (CardioWheel and CardioGW) and implement code base using formal framework MARS.; System is running, requesting identification tasks when ECG is detected and monitoring its related cognitive state. * Inputs: Simulated/real-time ECG. * Expected outcome: Model representations and stored features are cryptographically secured. Data received and produced at transmission endpoints is encrypted and so impossible to interpret by third parties.