RQA - Quality StudioTool for system artefact quality analysishttps://repo.valu3s.eu/tools/improved-developed-tool/rqa-quality-studiohttps://repo.valu3s.eu/@@site-logo/logo_valu3s_green_transparent.png
Poor quality of engineering items during the concept and design phases of a project leads to rework, extra costs, delays and, if not detected, severe consequences. RQA automates the routine quality inspection and analysis of different types of engineering items and minimizes the cost of quality appraisals, while increasing the consistency and overall quality of the projects. Defects can be caused either by inadequate engineering decisions, or by the incorrect representation of engineering information in requirements, models, etc. Automatizing the quality inspection activities will give engineers more time for better decision making while providing means so that no defect remains hidden. Natural Language Process and Artificial Intelligence provide a semantic analysis towards more accurate inspections.
The main improvement in VALU3S is the extension of model quality analysis possibilities, e.g., for Arcadia/Capella. To this end, (1) connectors with other tools have been developed or improved and (2) a new, generic mechanism for model quality analysis has been implemented.