Risk Analysis Micro-SErvice Solution Risk analysis, web app for the risk estimation and reduction within machinery secure design

RAMSES is a Risk Assessment software for the verification and the validation of automated system. 

It allows to evaluate a priori the level of risk of system operations in a comprehensive and exhaustive manner, but alse to dinamically assess the most likely and dangerous threats during operations to prevent faults and mitigate impacts.

The toolbox enhances safety and security of systems themselves, as well as of people and other elements interacting with them, through the spread of validated reliable products into several market domains.

Scientific methodology to be followed [GAPM-RAS11 Risk Analysis proposed methodology does not fulfil any standard], datasets about past threats and incidents [GAPM-RAS07 Wide datasets about past threats and incidents are needed to make the proposed Risk Analysis methodology work properly]

Relationships with other web-repo artefacts
Improvement Classification
Potential impact of incidents and attacks, Number of attack/incident typologies examined
Effort required to the user for prepare and running the tool
Open source - Goals

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