All rx-tx channels can be measured simultaneously by using the multiplexing in doppler domain instead of measuring them one by one this enriches the data quality
Integrated radar circuits usually have multiple transmitting and receiving units serving multiple channels. Conventionally those are used sequentially to update the radar map. With using these methods, we can test the performance of these channels simultaneously [DDMA1].
The phase of the transmitted signals is being changed by a phase shifter at the end of the transmitting chain to make the signals orthogonal (invisible) to each other. Hence, the signals of all transmitters can be separated by the receiver in the detection map.
This saves customers time and improves the quality of the delivered chips because they can be already validated at system level early in the supply chain. Last but not least, quality is also improved because parasitic effects between channels are characterized that would otherwise be invisible if the channels were tested sequentially.
Update radar map faster
Easy to implement with transmitters and receivers phase shifters included in the RF chip
Maximum measurable speed of the target is limited
Slightly increase the cross talk between the activated channels
[DDMA1] Sun, Hongbo, Frederic Brigui, und Marc Lesturgie. 2014. „Analysis and comparison of MIMO radar waveforms“. In 2014 International Radar Conference, 1–6.