UC2_TC_1* Preconditions: Teleoperation system is running, vehicle is connected to a remote station. * Input conditions / steps: Simulate (inject) transmision line latency <= 200 ms for stream, and latency <= 50 ms for commands for Carriage Tow Truck * Expected results: video stream and driving commands arrive into remote station on time, vehicle can be operated normally.https://repo.valu3s.eu/use-cases/uc2-car-teleoperation/requirements/transmission-line-latency/uc2_tc_1https://repo.valu3s.eu/@@site-logo/logo_valu3s_green_transparent.png
* Preconditions: Teleoperation system is running, vehicle is connected to a remote station. * Input conditions / steps: Simulate (inject) transmision line latency <= 200 ms for stream, and latency <= 50 ms for commands for Carriage Tow Truck * Expected results: video stream and driving commands arrive into remote station on time, vehicle can be operated normally.