
Vehicle - remote station connection.
The connection between a vehicle and a remote station must be actively kept operational, even if no control commands or image data are being sent. If no heartbeat packet is received for a period of 500 ms, the connection between a vehicle and a remote station must be closed.
Requirement Test Cases
VALU3S Framework

* Preconditions: Teleoperation system is running, vehicle is connected to a remote station. * Input conditions / steps: Simulate heart beat packet is sent every <= 500 ms, no commands, no video stream * Expected results: connection between vehicle and remote station is not closed


* Preconditions: Teleoperation system is running, vehicle is connected to a remote station. * Input conditions / steps: Simulate heart beat packet is sent every <= 500 ms + commands + video stream * Expected results: connection between vehicle and remote station is not closed


* Preconditions: Teleoperation system is running, vehicle is connected to a remote station. * Input conditions / steps: Simulate heart beat packet is not sent for > 500 ms, no commands, no video stream * Expected results: connection between vehicle and remote station is closed, i.e loading screen is displayed on remote station


* Preconditions: Teleoperation system is running, vehicle is connected to a remote station. * Input conditions / steps: Simulate heart beat packet is sent every <= 500 ms, commands are sent, but no video stream * Expected results: connection between vehicle and remote station is not closed