
Transmission line latency
Transmission line latency. There must be a low latency (see table below) of data transfer between the vehicle and remote station. Vehicle = Carriage Tow Truck (1890 kg), Max speed = 5 km/h, Max allowable Video Stream Latency = 200 ms, Max allowable Driving Commands Latency = 50 ms
Requirement Test Cases
VALU3S Framework

* Preconditions: Teleoperation system is running, vehicle is connected to a remote station. * Input conditions / steps: Simulate (inject) transmision line latency <= 200 ms for stream, and latency <= 50 ms for commands for Carriage Tow Truck * Expected results: video stream and driving commands arrive into remote station on time, vehicle can be operated normally.


* Preconditions: Teleoperation system is running, vehicle is connected to a remote station. * Input conditions / steps: Simulate (inject) transmission line latency significantly > 200 ms (e.g. 500 ms) for video stream, and > 50 ms for commands (e.g. 200 ms) * Expected results: video stream is visibly distortered and delayed, vehicle safety stop is triggered (Reason: requirement 2)