an example this is an example an example this is an example Id Each requirement and test-case has a unique ID with running numbers based on the corresponding use case. In order to avoid name clashing between identifiers of requirements and test-cases, which can potentially lead to confusion, the letter ‘R’ is used to denote a requirement ID and the letters ‘TC’ are used to denote a test-case ID. For example, UC2_R_1 is the ID of the first requirement of use case 2, and UC3_TC_2 is the ID of the second test-case of use case 3. UC13_R_1 Evaluation Scenario Textual Description Each evaluation scenario has a concise description, which is limited to one sentence to keep it as concise as possible. This is an example description Evaluation Scenario Rationale Risk he rationale / risk contains an explanation of what needs to be evaluated, referring to the “What” stated in the work plan. this is a rationale Evaluation Scenario Owner The owner is the partner acting as the main contributor to this evaluation scenario Siemens AG Austria Siemens AG is a global technology powerhouse that brings together the digital and physical worlds to benefit customers and society. We focus on intelligent infrastructure for buildings and decentralized energy systems, on automation and digitalization in the process and manufacturing industries, and on smart mobility solutions. Evaluation Scenario Requirements Evaluation Scenario Requirements List V&V Methods V&V Methods List of the methods used in this evaluation scenario Model-based robustness testing Use of a behaviour model to derive stimuli out of specification and apply them to a system under test to check for its resoponse and to see whether it is robust. Due to employing a model of the behaviour, the out-of-specification inputs can also come after some sequence of perfectly valid inputs, allowing the method to "go deep" before switching to robustness testing. VALU3S Framework Evaluation Environment Type Type of environment where the method is applied. It can be more than one type of environment.(Dimension 1) Evaluation Type Type of evaluation performed with that method. If a method is hybrid, more than one type can be selected.(Dimension 2) Type of Component Under Evaluation Type of components that can be evaluated with that method. It can be more than one type.(Dimension 3) Evaluation Stage The evaluation stage where the method is used.(Dimension 5) Purpose of the Component Under Evaluation The type of purpose that can be evaluated by a method. It can be more than one type.(Dimension 6) Type of Requirement Under Evaluation The type of requirements that a method is able to evaluate. It can be more than one type.(Dimension 7) Evaluation Performance Indicator The type of evaluation criteria or KPI that a method is able to improve. It can be more than one type.(Dimension 8) Contents There are currently no items in this folder.