UC5_TC_4Preconditions: Aircraft is in operating mode M and sensor S value is not available (sensor is out of order); Input conditions / steps: Observed aircraft thrust is at value V1 and perturbations in non-pilot input cause it to change to V2; Expected results: Observed aircraft thrust returns to value V1, respecting control objectives (settling time, overshoot, steady state error).https://repo.valu3s.eu/use-cases/aircraft-engine-controller/test-cases/uc5_tc_4https://repo.valu3s.eu/@@site-logo/logo_valu3s_green_transparent.png
Preconditions: Aircraft is in operating mode M and sensor S value is not available (sensor is out of order); Input conditions / steps: Observed aircraft thrust is at value V1 and perturbations in non-pilot input cause it to change to V2; Expected results: Observed aircraft thrust returns to value V1, respecting control objectives (settling time, overshoot, steady state error).