

The Dataset Generator for Validation (DaGe4V) is a tool in development by IKER in VALU3S. This tool aims to automate the process of recording videos/images from Train Simulator, and generate the datasets that will be used offline for the V&V of the CV system for the railway. To achieve this goal, the tool needs to communicate with the simulator in order to control the train operation. Meanwhile it will record the videos/images and will also capture metadata information to be used in the V&V process.

  • Speeds up the process of recording image/videos datasets from the simulator.
  • Allows different parameters to be set for automatic driving of the simulator train.
  • Automatic metadata extraction from the simulator.
Relationships with other web-repo artefacts
Improvement Classification
Number of test cases, Effort needed for test
Open source - Goals
Functional Requirements

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