Fondazione Bruno Kessler

Stefano Tonetta

The Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK) is a non-profit public interest research organization. Within FBK, the center on Digital Industry (FBK-DI) is one of the new centers born in 2021 from the reorganization of the previous Institute for Scientific and Technological Research (IRST), founded in 1976 and then renamed in 2008 in FBK- ICT. The FBK-DI center is made up of more than 110 people dedicated to research on Model-Based Design, Model Checking and Formal Verification, Automatic Planning and Reasoning, Software Engineering, Natural Language Processing and Machine Translation, Computer Vision, and Analysis of Data.

The center participates in VALU3S project with the Embedded Systems (ES) unit, which is focused on research on Formal Methods and Model-Based Design of Safety-Critical Embedded Systems. The ES unit develops various techniques and software tools for Model Checking and Formal Verification, Planning and Automatic Reasoning, Model-Based Safety Analysis, and Contract-Based Design. It is involved in various international research and technology transfer projects in various application domains such as aerospace, rail, automotive, sustainable energy, and manufacturing.


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