Simulation-based Robot Verification Testing

The main purpose of simulation-based robot verification tests is to ensure the safety and optimization of the robot's trajectory for robotic inspection systems. In the simulation-based tests, works were carried out on ensuring safe trajectory planning and shortening the work times of the robotic system.
The main purpose of simulation-based robot verification tests is to ensure the safety and optimization of the robot's trajectory for robotic inspection systems. In the simulation-based tests, works were carried out on ensuring safe trajectory planning and shortening the work times of the robotic system.

Based on simulation-based verification method, works have been carried out on transferring real models of robotic systems to simulation environments and subjecting them to verification processes. This verification system will both ensure safe trajectory planning of industrial robotic systems and shorten their operating time (work time) as much as possible. And since these transactions are carried out in a virtual environment, they can be carried out easily, secure and at low cost. Thus, the simulation-based robot verification tests method has appeared. 

With the simulation-based robot verification tests, the simulation of the autonomous system was created in a virtual environment similar to the real environment in which the system will operate. In this system, it has become possible to verify industrial robots. Within the scope of the VALU3S project, it is possible to verify the robotic inspection system on UC11, as well as similar multi-axis moving industrial robotic systems [SBRV1]. Thanks to the simulation-based robot verification test system and the safe trajectory planned for industrial robots, the safety of the robots and the shortening of their duty times have been ensured. The created system uses a simulation engine (Gazebo), a trajectory planner (Moveit) and a robotic middleware (ROS). All these components are used in a coordinated way to transfer a real robotic system to the virtual environment, to establish a safe trajectory and to lay the groundwork for verification processes (The systematic use of these components is achieved with SRVT). In addition to these components, fault injection software developed under the VALU3S project are also used (IMFIT and CamFITool). These fault injection mechanisms have their own elements for system testing and verification. These mechanisms provide different system corruption functions at compilation and runtime of a system [SBRV2]. 

Simulation-based Robot Verification (improvement described below): 

  • The development is the establishment of a powerful verification test system with the combination of robotic middleware (ROS), robotic simulation tool (Gazebo) and trajectory planner software (Moveit). SRVT was developed with this system combination. 
  • None in addition to the base method Simulation-based Verification. 
  • [SBRV1] Yayan, U. & Erdoğmuş, A. (2021). Industrial Robot Motion Planning Algorithms Performance Benchmarking. Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering Research, 2 (2), 31-45. DOI: 10.53525/jster.979689 
  • [SBRV2] Benso, A., & Prinetto, P. (Eds.). (2003). Fault injection techniques and tools for embedded systems reliability evaluation (Vol. 23). Springer Science & Business Media.
Method Dimensions
In-the-lab environment
Experimental - Monitoring, Experimental - Simulation
Model, Software
System testing
Thinking, Acting, Sensing
Non-Functional - Safety, Functional
V&V process criteria, SCP criteria

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